2 Million Dollars IMAX home theater system

If you have change to spare or perhaps you recently robbed a bankJ you may consider the IMAX personal theater system costing 2 million dollars. The screen will be approximately 20 feet wide basically it should go floor to ceiling and wall to wall. Ahmad Lee Khamsi a South American cable television executive will have the first system installed in his Miami Beach house. IMAX CTO Brian Bonnick pointed out their motivation towards this venture “we saw a big gaping hole in the opportunity to provide a superlative experience in the home” this came when all other high end theater installers had to get other expensive parts to install a single system “taking a lot of expensive parts and plugging them together. There’s really nobody out there providing a fully integrated solution.”  He added.

There was no integrated solution to the theater system but IMAX just stepped in. The system is 3D enabled, has a curved screen and equipped with multi-channel surround sound system. The CEO at IMAX attests to the fact that they may only sell 10-15 systems a year given the budget of the system since some wealthy individuals may not be willing to spend that amount on a theater system. In its promotional material IMAX says that everyone has experienced the theater system because it is very similar to the commercial system installed in theaters in 53 countries. The theaters performance will be monitored by IMAX technicians remotely and most adjustments can be done the same way. The theater system may even be connected to the Prima Cinema technology which will deliver Hollywood’s first-run movies to private screens. The CEO at IMAX sites that similar technology to the one used in the theater system may also find its way to computer displays and other appliances. Get your popcorn, sit back and enjoy the private theater system form IMAX.