Better understanding of
our collective culture and shared humanity helps us become better stewards of a
global future by;
committed to serve as global citizens because our understanding of the diverse
cultures and being members of the human race it is our responsibility to ensure
that we work towards development goals collectively. This helps in ensuring
that we continue to exist in harmony with a stronger basis for sustainability.
live in a highly interconnected world and a technology development over the
years has continued to improve this connectivity. Currently people from across
the global are able to communicate freely with reduced barriers. Our diverse
cultures have been seen to improve our ideas on how to deal with difficult
situations. Some of these ideas in fields such as medicine and engineering have
helped in the creation of development opportunities for the entire world being
fostered by the interaction of the diverse cultures throughout the global.
should continue sharing the knowledge from our diverse cultures through
learning from one another. This helps in changing our ordinary thought process
and instead pushes us towards thinking ‘outside the box’. We should continue
searching for similarities and embracing the positive differences in the
different cultures that we come into contact with to foster global development.
should also consider stepping out of their own cultures to notice the traits
that they exhibit when within the culture. By doing this one will be able to
evaluate their own personal interpretation of their culture. The individual
should also seek the help of another from a different culture to evaluate these
traits. It is through this that we will acknowledge the positive traits which
will then be enforced and through this we will be able to secure a stable
global future. The need for doing this arises from the fact that all of us are
born in a particular culture. We learn by experience and we pass this knowledge
to the next generation. We conduct ourselves within our cultures mostly in an
unconscious state because we do things the way we found them being done without
really questioning the motives or ideas behind the actions.
working environments it is necessary to conduct culture workshops to help the
people understand each other’s backgrounds, preferences and dislikes. This is
because the world today has changed and people travel and work in different
areas thus to make people comfortable in new environments it’s important to
develop the necessary knowledge base concerning the different cultural
backgrounds involved. This will help ensure productivity not only in the work
environment but also in the open environments. People will be willing to work
together and also learn how to relate with different opinions.
international bodies such as the United Nations should ensure that people from
different regions are able to understand the dynamics involved in the diverse
cultures of the world. Governments which are the administration level of
countries should endeavor in developing better and more cordial relationship
with other governments. Nations should be able to interact with each other
through deeper understanding of the different culture.
culture should be looked down upon as inferior neither should any culture be
deemed superior if at all we are to secure a stable common future. It is
because of such discriminations that people are unable to work together to
attain a more superior collective goal.
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