This is the first article in a series of articles that seeks to develop your communication skills particularly within a business setup. The knowledge being shared in this series can also be used in other sectors/spheres depending on your needs and interests.
Success in business may rest on a variety of variables such as financial management, communication among others the later is what we seek to address. Communication is an important aspect in a person’s life and we begin developing this skill right from birth. As babies before we begin to form any meaningful words we first cry to show our dissatisfaction and smile when we are happy and this starts us off towards development of our communication skills as we grow up.
Tips when using business communication channels
There are several business communication channels that can be categorized into two:
1. Verbal communication example face to face
2. Non verbal communication example written and body language
In a business setting these communication channels are used interchangeably and it is important to master both of them to ensure effective communication.
Verbal communication
Business conversations using telephones and mobile phones
The workplace has been redefined by the entrance of mobile phones and almost everyone uses one every day. Business issues are discussed through these gadgets, clients call in to make their orders and suppliers call in to confirm receipt of goods or services. How do we ensure that these conversations are effective and cordial?
Don’t forget to greet the person on the phone when you pick up, one of the most overlooked issues when answering calls. It does not matter how busy you are when you pick up the phone take your time and respectfully begin the conversation. You can try “hallo, this is {name}. How may I assist you?”
Set yourself in the appropriate state of emotion, for example, you may be working under pressure or some figures are not adding up then the phone rings. When you pick your business client’s call make sure that your mood and tone on the phone appreciates the call and not the opposite. Remember your business success rests on how you communicate with your clients.
Don’t forget you left someone on hold, in certain situations you may be forced to put the individual on hold ensure that it is brief and don’t forget to get back to them. Among the consequences here is that you will lose business if you forget or worse you hang up.
Don’t interrupt the other person when they are talking, you may be pressed to clarify an issue but it is important to let the other person complete their statement before you respond. This also helps in clearly understanding the issue and reduces chances of an argument.
Don’t miss an opportunity to seal the deal, if the client you are speaking to seems interested and wants to know more take the opportunity to ask them to visit your business. Some people are willing but they still need to be invited (that extra mile) so take the initiative and make them feel welcomed and important.
Make sure you have addressed their issues, before hanging up ensure that you have been of help, try “I hope I have been of help” or “is there any other issue you need assistance with?”
Make sure the person on the other end can hear you clearly and vice versa, try “can you hear me clearly” or “please adjust you volume/sound, I am unable to hear you clearly” in case of interference try “please turn down your radio/TV” or “please find a quite place, I am unable to get you clearly” remember you are doing business and can’t respond to what you can’t hear and understand.
Face to face conversations in a business environment
In a business setting face to face communications are very common and since you can see the person, you also need to pay attention to the non verbal communication through body language which we will address.
Think about what you want to say before you say it, it is important to assess your statement’s outcome before you place it in the conversation. Don’t be too slow but take your time before offering response (you are not reciting a memorized poem), make sure the information is correct and well understood.
Avoid the use of big words and phrases which lack merit, when speaking to a client don’t use the thesaurus to impress instead in simple terms explain how your product or service meets their needs. Use of phrases like “exponential potential” in communication may imply dishonesty depending on the audience.
Equip yourself with local meanings of words and phrases, although most words have universal meanings others don’t they may mean something totally different depending on the locality and origin of the person you are communicating with. Choose your words carefully.
Just like in telephone communications, avoid interrupting the other person.
Non verbal communication in business
Body language communication in business
90% of face to face communication is expressed through body language this includes facial expressions.
When communicating with a client, make sure you watch their body language unobtrusively. Equip yourself with knowledge about body language like what certain movements communicate. For example touching ones face may communicate signs of stress.
Facial expressions are an important aspect of business communication and this may vary with regions and cultures. Eye contact although appreciated in European countries it is not understood in Asian countries especially when communicating with the opposite sex and elders.
Improve your own body language to communicate effectively. Sit upright when communicating with a client. Avoid crossing your hands or reclining back it communicates disinterest. Pay more attention to your surroundings and learn from other people’s body language to ensure effective communication in a business environment
Written communication within a business environment
Simplicity is important in this form of business communication, when writing avoid the use of jargon. Write simple statement that can easily be understood. In face to face communications clarifications can be made on the spot but for written communication a misunderstanding may be too late to rectify because action may be quickly taken.
Avoid the use of capital and bold letters (use only when necessary), in written communication capital letters are used for emphasis but they shout and in the business context capital letters used in emails shout the loudest. For example, BRING ME THE FILE IMMEDIATELY! This of course delivers a disrespectful message to the receiver. The principle here is, don’t do to others what you don’t want them to do to you.
Don’t forget to spell check, it is important to deliver a message that is grammatically correct to avoid misunderstandings when using written communication.
Electronic non verbal communication in business
Here we address emails, instant messages and chat. In this modern age, business environments have chosen the electronic means of communication for most of their communications needs and so it is important to understand trouble areas and how to handle its effects.
Emails, IMs and chat are written forms of communications but are prepared much faster and reach the intended audience at the click of a button so please cross check.
Do not share what is private correspondence; some emails are confidential and only intended for the receiver. Email correspondence if shared has a tendency of making rounds on the internet before ending back to the sender so be careful.
Don’t forget to sign your email using your name. Your email address alone is not enough plus it is not a business appropriate address.
Keep your message short and to the point.
Consider your grammar for an audience using hearing aidsexample screen readers. Computers are equipped with software that helps the blind to get the message by reading it out to them.
Avoid the use of email for sensitive communication because online messages can be intercepted. In business sensitive information may include credit/debit card details, business strategies and of course the obvious trade secrets.
Although the above tips of communication have been discussed in business context the same can be applied in other contexts, you are welcomed to repurpose this article to suit your needs.
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